"Britta" was our first female breeding Pomeranian. At the age of 4, after having had 3 litters of puppies, Britta was spayed and remained our pet for the duration of her lifetime. Britta was my oldest son's best friend - from a toddler, the two were inseparable. Britta would let us know when the bus was coming long before we could hear it. If she could get outside, she would make her way to the end of our driveway and wait patiently for the bus driver to drop off "her boy".
Britta has been a wonderful companion. She was beautiful, loving, smart, and loved to travel. (You couldn't say "Drive" or "Car Ride" unless you meant it.) More than once we made it all the way to the city before realizing she had stowed away under Jaden's seat to tag along.
It is with heavy hearts that we say good bye to our beautiful girl, having passed away on June 18th, 2013, at almost 14 years of age. We will miss you, Old Girl, and we can't wait to see you again on the other side. R.I.P. to the best family companion we could have ever asked for. We will love you always, and never forget the girl that stole our hearts.