Where Did My Puppy's Coat Go???
If you are unfamiliar with the Pomeranian breed, you may not know that between 4 & 8 months of age, most Pomeranians go through what is known as "the Uglies." It is a well-known term amongst breeders, and Pomeranian owners, and describes the period of a junior (and/or senior) puppy's life where they lose their puppy coat. If you haven't seen it before, it may seem alarming, but this is a normal developmental stage for a puppy destined to have a beautiful double coat.
The pictures on this page show examples of Pomeranians who are going through this change. Note the wispy and thin appearance of the coats, and the hair loss on the face. Some pups barely have an "ugly" experience, most have an even distribution of hair loss. In the most unusual cases, the pups have an uneven, rugged hair loss. During this time, it doesn't hurt to see a groomer and have a slight trim done to even out the coat. (Note the difference below between a pom that is tidied up, and one that is left in full uglies. ) This soft puppy coat is generally replaced by a stiffer double coat which gives an adult pom their full-coated appearance.
The pictures on this page show examples of Pomeranians who are going through this change. Note the wispy and thin appearance of the coats, and the hair loss on the face. Some pups barely have an "ugly" experience, most have an even distribution of hair loss. In the most unusual cases, the pups have an uneven, rugged hair loss. During this time, it doesn't hurt to see a groomer and have a slight trim done to even out the coat. (Note the difference below between a pom that is tidied up, and one that is left in full uglies. ) This soft puppy coat is generally replaced by a stiffer double coat which gives an adult pom their full-coated appearance.